Web дизайн, UI/UX дизайн

UI/UX  Designer



2009-2013   NobelUniversity, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Bachelor degree in Economic Cybernetics



  • Expert in working with photoshop, Adobe, Corel Draw
  • An innovative, multitalented with exceptional thinker of designs posseses and package designing
  • Have UI/UX design experience over 3 years
  • Have experience in Web developing over 4 years
  • Developing and maintaining the front end functionality of websites
  • Mobile graphic development (iOS, Android)
  • Designing prototypes for apps and websites
  • Creating logos, banners and buttons for websites
  • Identica design and logo
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Involved in creating a comparison site from scratch
  • Performed maintenance and updates to existing client Web sites

  • Ukrainian: native language
  • Russian: fluent
  • English: pre-intermediate



2012 – 2014         Freelance UI/UX designer for “I-free”company (Saint Petersburg, Russia)    

Responsible forworking on a range of projects, designing appealing websites and interacting on

a daily basis with graphic designers, back-end developers and marketers. Provided

internal and external design specifications. Involved in a project to develop a

large online gaming website. 

For therecommendation please contact the I-free art-director via: [email protected]                                                                  

2009 - 2014         Freelanceprojects UI/UX design, Web- design

Worked with various clients in the CIS and EU as part of amulti-disciplinary team, carrying out ad-hoc tasks as requested by clients. Had

a specific brief to ensure the websites build for customer’s precisely matched

their requirements.  

Please look at myportfolio and recommendations following the link: https://www.fl.ru/users/vipslava


2007 - 2010         AdvertisingCompany “Vyveski” Private Enterprise Layko   

Design printingand marketing adverting







My corestrengths include, but are not limited to the following:


  • Work to under pressure and to tight deadlines
  • Come up with solutions to seemingly intractable problems
  • Carry out routine site maintenance
  • Drive projects forward
  • A disciplined and analytical approach to web development projects
  • Work closely with other developers and professionals
  • Make recommendations on the use of new and emerging technologies
  • Produce feasibility and usability reports for projects as well as accurate cost projections.
  • Organize and manage multiple priorities simultaneously
  • Communicate confidently
  • Quickly fit into any existing team of developers
  • Work through a project life cycle
  • Technology savvy
  • Highly motivated
  • Energetic
  • Creative
  • Imaginative
  • The ability to work on my own with minimum supervision


Right now I want to work for a reputable and excitingcompany like yours where there will be a big stage for my talents. Therefore I

would welcome the chance of an interview, where we would be able to discuss in

greater detail the value and strength I can bring to your already successful


For additional information about my capabilities pleaseview at my portfolio following the link:  https://www.fl.ru/users/vipslava


Yours sincerely

Stanislav Soya

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