Окажу услуги копирайтинга/рерайтинга (грамотный русский, знание ГОСТ-ов), любые виды контентых работ.

Стоимость услуг:

- Копирайтинг : 5- 8$ за 1000 знаков (в зависимости от сложности тематики);

- Рерайтинг : 1,5-3$ за 1000 знаков.

Постоянная публикация предоставленных и моих материалов на договорной основе, подготовка и обработка графических и мультимедийных материалов.

Большой опыт в разработке проектной документации:

- Техническое Задание (на разработку сайта, комплексной информационной системы);

- Руководство Пользователя, Администратора;

- ... .



February, 2008 TOC Project Management Solution (Eliyahu M. Goldratt‘s Theory of Constraints)

May, 2007 Completed Microsoft Sales Specialist Training and Exam

2007 Courses “Intoduction in CMMI”

2002 - 2006 Technical University of Chisinau Specialty: Information Technologies in Financial Systems

June, 2008 Courses: “Basics of designing and implementing ECM systems on the platform of EMC “

July, 2008 Courses: “eRoom Coordinator and Administrator”

Professional experience: 2008 – present

Institution/Company: XXX.

Activity profile: enterprise content management, archive and collaboration systems.

Status: System and Business Analyst

Functions: working with clients, creating the project documentation. Analysis of the client and its business processes, description of the proposed solution. Preparing documents for tenders. Technical descriptions and User Guid’s developing. Business contacts.

2006 - 2008

Institution/Company: XXX.

Activity profile: IT-branch. Informational technologies and complete web-systems.

Status: Project manager, System Analyst

Functions: working with clients, creating the project documentation, working with project groups, project management, design and Quality Assurance. Analysis of the client and its business processes, description of the proposed solution. Preparing documents for tenders. Technical descriptions and User Guid’s developing. Business contacts.

Other information: Languages: Russian – native.

English – commercial knowledge.

Romanian – speaking.

Computer skills: Experienced user, 8 years experience. Profound knowledge of Office package, text and graphical redactors, experience in presentations creating, Rational Rose (UML), MS Visio, MS Project. Corporate networks working skills in conditions of distributed documentation access.

Programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, Java, XML, XSLT - general notions

  • Необходим дизайн сайта о ночной жизни города. Примеров в сети не много, но и клонов создавать не хочу (есть свое представление). От дизайнера не требуется несколько вариантов макетов, ...

    16 лет назад