Graphics Design, Polygraphy, Illustrator, Photoshop, Web Design, CSS. - Ukr

I have 5 years of the operational experience in sphere 2D computer graphics and in creation the web-sites of various complexity. I had been created design of breadboard models for some large projects of web-portals, among which network information systems of a local area network of university, a portal of a photo gallery, E-shop of the software sales, and also small projects. I have some experience in development of scripts and web-applications on PHP and JavaScript languages, page-proof according to Web 2.0 standard (HTML, CSS).

Except for it I have wide experience in sphere of polygraphy design, creation the ideological graphic design of breadboard models for advertising production (cards, calendars, booklets, labels, posters, visiting cards, etc.). High level of experience with Photoshop, qualitative processing of photos and their preparations for the print. Besides I have the opportunity independently to shoot photos for design and clipart (the skilled photographer).