Lashin Sergey

e-mail: [email protected]



PhD student in bioinformatics. Institute of Cytology and Genetics Siberian Branch of

Russian Academy of Science (ICG SB RAS)


Specialist diploma in Mechanics and Mathematics/Programming, Novosibirsk State University

Skills and Experience Summary:

More than 5 years of experience in C++ and 2 years in Java. Investigated and implemented a number of numerical methods using parallel and distributed technologies. Took key part in design and implementation of a bioinformatics modeling tool called MGSModeller. Have demonstrated ability to manage short projects, lead small teams and prepare work plans.

Technical skills:

OOP/OOD, design patterns

C/C++, STL, boost, Qt, GCC, MSVC

Java SE, JDBC, Security, Swing, SWT/JFace, Eclipse/plugins/RCP, Netbeans

Java EE, EJB, servlets/JSP

Linux, Perl, Unix shell, Cygwin

Databases, MySQL, Oracle

Parallel systems, MPI, Open MP, threads

Control versions, SVN

Fortran-77/90/95, Sun Forte Fortran

Algorithms, discrete, numerical, optimization


English – fluent

Russian – native speaker

Employment History:

November 2006 – present

Software Engineer, BCS-IT company (

• Supported, fixed bugs and refined multimedia messenger (java, net, security, swing, XML)

November 2006 – February 2007

Remote programmer, AKS-Labs company (

• Completely developed (designed, implemented and tested) RecentCleaner security tool ( for Windows (Delphi).

August 2003 - present

Software Engineer, ICG SB RAS (

• MGSModeller, a software tool for modeling in bioinformatics

o Managed part of the project, primarily designed the architecture of the system (plug-in based system, Eclipse), implemented significant part of functionality

o Implemented Inverse Problem plug-in for MGSModeller (finding optimal parameters of mathematical models using nonlinear optimization technique) (C/C++, Cygwin, Java, Eclipse/RCP/JFace/SWT)

o Performed versions control and administrative duties of the MGSModeller project (SVN/Apache Web Server)

• Evolutionary Constructor, software package for modeling of evolution and speciation.

Scientific software for construction, editing, control and visualization of mathematical models.

(Java, Eclipse/RCP/JFace/SWT)

• Implemented a number of parallel algorithms of mathematical models optimization and analysis, including Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Hybrid Gradient-based algorithms (Linux cluster, C/C++, MPI, boost, Perl, threads)

Semptember 2001 – May 2003

Student intern, UniPro (

• Investigated and implemented a number of numerical algorithms using interval analysis concepts providing reliable computing techniques (C/C++, Fortran-77, Sun ForteFortran-90, OpenMP, Unix)

Teaching Experience

February 2004 - present

Instructor, Novosibirsk State University, Department of Natural Science, Chair of bioinformatics.

• Lecturing foundations of genetic algorithms and inverse problems to 7th-semester students

• Teaching basic C skills and basic algorithms to 8-semester students

• Teaching basic C++ skills and OOP foundations to 9-semestr students

September 2004 - present

Instructor, High College of Informatics of Novosibirsk State University. Chair of bioinformatics.

• Lectured course "Mathematical and computer modeling of biological processes"

• Technical supervising of diploma projects: "Interactive GUI for software package

Evolutionary Constructor", "Script language for evolutionary scenarios description

(Evolutionary Constructor)"