Web programmer. Python(Django), JavaScript (JQuery), PostgreSQL/ MySql

Alexander Sergeevich Lyabah

Date of birth: 19 April 1985

Profession: Web-Programmer

Objective :I want to find interesting and perspective job, in which I can learn something new for myself


* Python(Django) – 2yaer

* JavaScript(JQuery) – 3 years

* PostgreSql – 1 year

* Perl(Catalyst,POE,CGI) – 3 years

* MySQL – 3 years

* ActionScript3 – 1 year

* Linux (Debian,Fedora) – 2 years

* PHP – 1 year

* Delphi – 1 year


2005-2006 – LTD “Setka-Dnepr”

Windows systems administrator. Programming PHP+Mysql+Apache+JavaScript.


www.setka-dnepr.com.ua ( market and company’s site),

www.reklama-v-gazete.com ( market of advertisement in newspaper, site has already been closed)

2006-2009 – “PrivatBank” (the biggest Ukrainian Bank)

The Center Of Electronic Business. Programming Perl(POE,Catalyst) + Mysql + Lighttpd + JavaScript(JQuery).


www.codeide.com (online programming system) I created the complete interpreter for programming languages, such as Pascal, Basic. Site has already been closed.

www.liqpay.com (electron payment system, where mobile phone is used for gaining access to the personal account).

partner.privatbank.ua (receiving payments for many services online using simple widget. Widget can be placed on any site) Server part of service was created.

Universal Web Conveyer (It works by principle of “finite-state automatic machine”. In the initial state of this automatic machine the problem is added, and in the final state the decision ensues. In each state of this machine there is an operator, who changes different data of the problem. Administrator can add new states to the automatic machine.) Team leader.

CashPay Terminals (it is not Web-Service, 600 terminals which are placed on different market places in Ukraine)

www.prazdnik-land.ru (Debian, Python, Django, JQuery, MySQL) I work as remote programmer in Team. I create forum, board and gallery section of this site by my self. Integration with Google Map and Yandex Map


django-csvlog - or writing csv logs in Django. And for tracking and user reporting unhandled exception in Django


www.elite-board.net.ua (board of advertisement) Completely created by myself. Python(Django) + PostgreSQL + Lighttpd + Sphinx.

Also I have ActionScript3 experience (6 month).

I pablicate on my own blog www.lyabah.com. It’s about programming languages and technologies, about databases and internet.

For project management I use trac, subversion or mercurial

For work I use principles of “Getting Real”.

I’ll be glad to cooperate with you!

My opinions from other projects:


Отзывы заказчиков
50 летРоссия
15 лет в сервисе
4 года назад
10 баллов
15 лет назад
Работа была сделана быстро, качественно. Благодарю.
Приятно иметь дело с Алексеем. Точно знает, чего хочет. Четко и вовремя оплачивает работу. Спасибо.
Ответный отзыв
50 летРоссия
15 лет в сервисе
4 года назад
10 баллов
15 лет назад
Александр точно выполнил задачу, всегда был на связи, вежливый, по ходу проекта неоднократно предлагал полезные улучшения. Благодарю. К моей благодарности присоединяются мои сотрудники из 34 стран, для которых и делался этот проект.
Спасибо. Приятно работать. Своевременная оплата. Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество
Ответный отзыв
от $300
от 2 дней