Переводчик и онлайн репетитор по Английскому языку. Среднее и высшее (Журналистика) образование получала в Англии, плюс 16 лет проживания и работы в стране. Разговорный Английский без акцента. Переводы - политика, финансы, бизнес, новостные выпуски (РусТВ), технологии и технологические новости (по принципу https://vc.ru/), пиар (Базелевс) и светская хроника.Репетитор - все возрасты - разговорный Английский, от школьного до бизнес-финансового уровня (5 лет стаж в венчурном фонде).
Born in Moscow, Russia; at the age of 12 moved to London, UK where received secondary and higher education, graduating with 2:1 in Journalism and 6 NCTJs in Public Affairs, Media Law and Regulation, Politics, Shorthand, Ethics and e-portfolio. Through out my degree I worked as a freelance translator and journalist for various Russian and British publications as well translating for various private companies and thematics of translations varied from oil and gas, to finance to hydro-engineering. (References available). I have 5 years experience working in Venture Capital, throughout which I worked extensively between European and Russian companies providing interpretations and translations at meeting/conference and Skype calls/and written translations of documents and presentations. During my university years I tutored in English and Russian, primarily university students and school children. At the moment I work remotely doing translations, copy and online tutoring.
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