Maryana Nazarenko

27, Kotsubinskogo str., flat184.

Lugasnk, Ukraine

Zip code 91055

Contact phone: +380634820135

• Teacher of English and French languages, private lessons of English and French

• Guidance, written translations from into English and French

• Personal assistant.

Practical skills and experience total:

• Written translation frominto English and French: subjects- economics, business, IT translations, medicine, social, belletristics, technical manuals etc, legalized translations;

• Working and composing of business documents in French and English ;

• Dealing with embassies and visas;

• Guidance, organizations of meetings, negotiations etc ;

• Working with incoming correspondence.

• Dealing with web cites, preparing of company news line, downloading the information:


Higher education, East Ukraine National University of Vladimir Dalh, Lugasnk, Ukraine

Diploma of linguist, .English French translatorinterpreter instructor

French certificates of “DELF”6 levels

Professional experience:

From February 2005 till now, Sharm models agency, Lugansk, Ukraine

Position – personal assistant, English French translator interpreter.

• Written and oral translations from into English French; subject business, economics, public relations etc;

• Composing of business documents ;

• Guidance ;

• Dealing with embassies and visa documents.

• Working with incoming and out coming correspondence;

• Downloading the info and data at the company web - site;

• Legalized translations;

• Phone- in negotiations;

From September 2005 till now

Position - English French instructor of Lugansk Institute of Arts and Culture, Lugansk, Ukraine .

• English French languages teaching;

• Working with information over foreign educational projects and grants.

• educational programs development

From May 2004 till February 2005 “Promyshlenaya academia”

Written and oral translations

Technical translations: computers, oil and gas reports,

Manuals for different equipment

Automobile: technical characteristics etc

Law translation and legalized translation of different documents


From September 2001 till May 2004

Position –personal assistant of non governmental non profitable organization “Alliance française de Lougansk”.

• Oral and written French translations: (fiction, business, economics, politics, social subjects);

• Guidance ;

• Working with incoming and out coming correspondence;

Computer skills:

Microsoft package Word, Exel, Power Point, translation programs and electronic dictionaries,Trados, Internet, working with web sites, Abby Fine Reader, office equipment- printer, scanner, xerox etc

Additional experience:

written translations on medicine- manuals and annotations, technical manuals (audio video equipment), films translation- dubbing, sport theme book translation