LightMix Design Studio is a web development and graphic design company located outside of Washington DC in Northern Virginia. We work with many clients around US and primarily do all design and development in house. We are always looking for talented individuals, please send your resume to [email protected]. We are all native Russian speakers but all applicants must have knowledge of English and good portfolio. Ideal candidates must know all latest applications such as Adobe suite, Quark, Dreamweaver, Flash and must be willing to work independently based on our directions.

Join the team... send your resumes

[email protected]

  • $1000

    Требуется на постоянную удаленную работу, на полный день веб верстальщик Должен на высоком уровне уметь быстро и качественно резать дизайн в HTML, XHTML, Valid W3c, CSS, CSS layout, jQuerry как надо, знать WordPress, желательно основы ...

    15 лет назад
  • Требуется web дизайнер / график дизайнер на постоянную удаленную работу. Оплата $1000 - $1250/м адрес куда слать резюме и все детали о позиции смотрите на толко серьёзние предложения.

    15 лет назад
  • $1250

    Требуется web дизайнер / график дизайнер на постоянную удаленную работу. Оплата $1000 - $1250/м адрес куда слать резюме и все детали о позиции смотрите на толко серьёзние предложения.

    17 лет назад
  • $750

    We are looking for experienced designer with 5+ years of experience, good Eglish and good portfolio to assist us in web design, graphic design and interactive projects for our clients. Candidates must be willing to ...

    18 лет назад
  • $750

    we are looking for mid level graphic designer with knowledge of English and at least 3-5 year experience working with Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator to assist us in ongoing print projects for our clients. Candidates should ...

    18 лет назад