Front-End Deweloper

Only qualitatively and on time - build websites with clean cross-browser valid code. BEM, GULP, SCSS, CSS3\HTML5, Pure JavaScript, jQuery. My goal is to provide the best service on the market!

By working with me, you save:

- Money. I qualitatively develop an adaptive layout based on layouts for a PC, which significantly saves your budget and does not require ordering additional design layouts.

- A minimum of questions, a maximum of results.

- Nerves. Requests for wishes and improvements of a non-structural nature are already included in the price of the work! So if you missed a number of small details in the design, they will be included in the layout at your request without unnecessary disputes and additional costs!

I am easy to work with and it is important to me that the client is satisfied!

A responsibility:

- ready to start

- I always get things done

- don't break deadlines

- I give advice on the layout

- always in touch


- build websites cross-browser, valid, adaptive. Only clean and understandable code.

- build websites from PSD, Sketch, Figma, Zeplin, Adobe XD

- Adaptability, responsiveness (responsive)

I am constantly inspired, developing, and introducing the latest technologies into my work.

I'm pretty sure you will be surprised after a talk with me!!!:)

Always available 24/7

Ways to contact me


Viber: +380937627275

WhatsApp: +380937627275

E-mail: [email protected]

Good luck))

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Отзывы заказчиков

34 года
8 лет в сервисе
месяц назад
10 баллов
2 года назад
Работа выполнена качественно. Всё правки были доделаны. Надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество!)
Четко поставленное ТЗ Всегда на связи Оплата своевременная Рекомендую))
Ответный отзыв