JavaScript Developer (JavaScript/Angular/Express.js/NestJS)

Experience in commercial development for about 3 years in HTML5, CSS3 (SCSS, LESS), JavaScript (ES6-ES9 features), Angular  (with NgRx and RxJS). 

Deep knowledge in frontend bundling and using Webpack and building with Gulp.

Experience with NodeJs(express), NestJs, MongoDB. 

Experience in software analysis and design, documentation creation, development and testing. Deep understanding of Object-oriented programming principles (including Prototype-based programming) as well as functional programming. Good knowledge of the whole software development cycle, with development experience at all stages.

Good communication skills, high motivation, ready to acquire new skills rapidly.

Experience in different software development methodologies (Scrum, Agile)

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33 года
14 лет в сервисе
4 месяца назад
10 баллов
3 года назад
Отзыв недоступен.
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