Верстка и Front-end разработка | Angular, HTML5, CSS3, JS
Career objective: Front-end developer
phone number – 380663754877
email – [email protected]
skype – left4mad
facebook - https://www.facebook.com/erastov.eduard
Summary: I have a huge motivation and a desire to develop,which helps to improve my level of competence by the day. Here is the list of skills that I have for today:
Front-end skills:
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Scss
- Angular 2+
- TypeScript
- jQuery
- Ajax
- Bootstrap4
- Git
- Npm
- Gulp
- Webpack
- Tools:
- WebStrom
- Visual Studio Code
- Adobe Photoshop
- Dnipropetrovsk Technological College of Economics
- Grade: Junior Specialist
- Specialty: Software development
- Years of education: 2014-2018
- IT school “EasyCode”
- Course: “Front-end + Angular”
- Years of education: 08.2017 – 02.2018