Poponin Eugene

Birthday: 15 Feb 1987

Languages: English - active, Russian - native


Software Developer


WEB development:

HTML, CSS ,PHP - 3 years, last used year: 2008

JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery - 2 years, last used year: 2008

ZendFramework - 1 year, last used year: 2008

ASP and C# - 5 monthes,last used year: 2007

WIN Api development:

Delphi 6 - 1 year , last used year: 2005

Visual C++.NET 2003 - 3 monthes, last used year: 2005


MS SQL 2005, MySQL -2 years - last used year: 2008


Proxistep since 07/2007 (working now)

Team leader of WEB applications development team (PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JS, HTML, CSS)

Freelancer since 02/2007 till 07/2007

Development of WEB applications using PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JS, HTML, CSS

Soft-Ukriane since 04/2006 till 02/2007

Junior developer, Contact persone. Development WEB applications with .NET technologies such as ASP.NET and C#.NET


since 2006

National Mining University - now. Speciality Software development for PC and Authomatic Systems.


Dnepropetrovsk Technology-Economic College 4 years. Speciality Software development for PC and Authomatic Systems.