Качество и Скорость на первом месте

  • Могу быть копирайтером
  • также могу быть переводчиком переводить свадебные конверты и т.д
  • Могу создать сайт на основе тильда
  • владею видеомонтажом
  • могу транскрибировать аудио
The use of an electronic textbook in lectures frees the lecturer from drawing, solving a problem and writing a solution algorithm. And no drawing made by the lecturer on the * board can surpass the multimedia computer animation of solving the problem. In the electronic textbook, the solution to each problem is shown in motion. You can stop the animation at any time or return to some incomprehensible place and repeat the decision process. The solution of the problem in the electronic textbook is carried out visually, in dynamics, in axonometry, which provides invaluable assistance in the development of spatial thinking of students.

With the help of an electronic textbook, it is easy to solve* difficulties that often arise in lectures, such as: the limitation of the whiteboard, as a result of which the solution of the problem goes beyond the surface used; the mutual arrangement of geometric shapes specified by the condition of the problem, to achieve a more visual course and result of the solution.

Andthe use of an electronic textbook in the training system when studying descriptive geometry provides equal video conditions for students. It is these equal video terms in an arbitrarily large audience that contribute to the optimization of the subject organizational activity of students in the study of descriptive geometry.

The information to be communicated to students during the lecture should be carefully selected and comprehensively thought out by the lecturer. There should be nothing superfluous and fuzzy in the lecture. The use of thoughtful and developed animations excludes the introduction of random, secondary, and sometimes superfluous information into the lecture.

In the e-learning manual, all voluminous solutions can be. .


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