Требуется программист со знанием С++ и опытом работы с а) Парсингом HTML страниц b) Распознаванием captcha c) Авторизация на сайте d) Работа с почтовыми серверами Возможно комбинирование ...
My name is Dmitry. I'm project manager of "Deimand" web development studio.
We are Russian based, Taganrog (GMT+3). Programmers have 3+ years of experience at PHP/MySQL, C#/ASP.Net, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. We also have Microsoft certified DBA/DBD of MS-SQL Server 2005.
We have strong understanging of WEB 2.0 and strong skills in such technologies like AJAX, XML, RSS, working with API of 3-d party web-services (mash-up),
etc. Thus we are able to create powerfull modern web-applications. Besides I'd like to stress that all the HTML pages produced by our developers
are valid by W3C standard and thus looks good in all modern browsers.
I also would like to note that we have good web- and graphics designers (Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash) in our stuff and we are able to realize
web-applications from scratch till final solution for end-user. Besides most part of out team have good English skills and communication
process hasn't ever become a problem.
Guys can work efficient in the team and individually as well. U may hire a team or one of them depends of your needs.
To take a look to our job in the field of web-design, programming, and graphics pls take a look to our portfolio here:
Here is a list of featured projects:
PHP/MySQL based:
- www.dispatx.com - big social WEB 2.0 project, a lot of Ajax features. This project was realized from scratch for 3 month.
- www.cornbrain.com - social web2.0 project, where you can post a question and get an answer (Like Yahoo! answers service)
- www.tallygo.com - this is a site, where you can point people.
- http://daemon.deagnostic.ru/loopdy/ - social network, like Facebook.com, but with at lot of innovative things (at development now)
- http://work.deimand.ru/oofsters/ - education site, where are 3 sides: teachers, kids and parents.
- www.tatfactory.com - big project which is based on "Dzoic handshakes" comunity engine. A lot of different features and a lot of changes in standard engine were made.
- www.sixbillionfriends.com - a lot of web 2.0 features like ranking, tagging, etc.
- www.previewthebook.com - e-comerse site with a lot of multimedia content and ith powerfull admin interface and content management system which are based on framework that was realized by "Deimand" company.
All logic of front-end and back-end and flash player for video playing is realized by our developer as well.
ASP.Net/MS-SQL based:
- http://video.justluxe.com - Video streaming ASP.Net site with flash front-end.
And also 2 new projects that are in development now, but have almost finished (also with streaming and flash-players):
- http://video.realtyvideousa.com/
Facebook applications:
- http://apps.facebook.com/mailmessage/
Application for e-mail sending to internal Facebook accounts and to external e-mails. The special mail features like attachment, cc, and so on were realized.
- http://apps.facebook.com/notifyeveryone/
This application allows to notify your friends about things
Also, projects where we took part:
- http://apps.facebook.com/superwallz/
- http://apps.facebook.com/likeness/
Please ask for feedback about their experience of working with Deimand our clients:
1)Keith Friedman (our us partner) ConsolidatedStreaming LLC
Yahoo: mindpointe1
Skype: keithfriedman
phone: 386 742 1666 (US)
2)Linda Roybal (previewthebook.com site)
Yahoo: fifthsunpub
Also you can check our feedbacks at oDesk.com website (Deimand team)
By request we will be able to provide more examples of past works and provide more details about our background and past experience.
You are welcome with any questions:
Skype/Yahoo/Gtalk: dfeduleev
e-mail: [email protected]
cell: +79185134227
ICQ: 205095255
Best regards,
Deimand LLC
project manager
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