Грамотно настроить индексацию сайта в поисковых системах https://translatorsauction.comПрошу указывать контакты для голосовой связи.
Higher Education and Extensive Practice
Economics & Finance
English-Russian Interpreter
Engineer of radio-constructor-technologist
Banking and Finance
Business Correspondence, Contracts, Articles of Association
Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances, Hi-Fi audio & TV sets
Computer hardware
Construction and Mechanical Engineering
Corporate Security, Environmental, Fire and Labor Safety issue
HVAC equipment
Hydraulic equipment
Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering
IT and Telecommunications
Legal and Contracting
Power Generation and Distribution
Power Plant Equipment - Turbines, Generators
Railway Transport
Standards and Regulatory DocumentsDo not hesitate to ask for a free short sample translation or editing!
Usual Face Time07:00 through 20:00 GMT (my time zone is GMT+03:00)File Formats and ThroughputWord, Excel, Power Point, HTML documents, AutoCAD drawings, InDesign, generic SDL Trados & Déjà Vu files. PDF documents can be converted to other formats upon preliminary agreement.
Average daily throughput is 1,800 no-match words. Rush jobs can involve higher rates depending on turnaround times, volume and complexity.
Large projects can be accelerated by engaging my fellow colleagues competent in a particular subject; such team work will include consequent proofreading and editingTranslation Project Workflow1. Incoming inspection and verification
Delivered materials are reviewed and analyzed. Ambiguous details are pointed out and negotiated with the client.
2. Translation and Terminology Management
Use of a glossary quality engine ensures consistent terminology with the customer-provided glossary throughout the project.
3. Final check
Translated texts are subject to spell check, editing, proofreading, formatting and conversion. Final documents shall be reviewed once again and sent to the client.Translation ExperienceDuring more than 13-year of intensive work as a freelancer for translation agencies and independent clients, translated and edited thousands pages of:
contracts and agreements, audit reports, balance sheets, tender bids, management and HR policies, marketing reports, ad materials, business correspondence
operation manuals, maintenance and repair instructions, drawings
patents, MSDS, specifications and data sheets
industry-specific codes and directivesLicensed software: MS Office, Lingvo X3, FineReader, SDL Trados, AutoCAD and other
- Поисковые системы (SEO)8 заявокЗакрыт7 лет назад
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Системное администрирование11 заявокЗакрыт7 лет назадНужно перенести сайт https://translatorsauction.com с хостинга сайтов на VPS.
Системное администрирование7 заявокЗакрыт7 лет назад