Young talented programmer is looking for an interesting job in the game development.


2D/3D-Graphics programmer

Date of birth: 15/03/87

Home address: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Bulvar Slavy, 27/35

Home telephone: 370-63-91

Education: specialized secondary (PC operator)

Current education: 2nd-year student (DNU)

Foreign languages knowledge: good English

Primary IDE: MS Visual Studio 7.1 .NET (C++ Language)

Other IDEs:

1. MS Visual Studio 6.0 (C++ Language)

2. Borland C++ Builder 5/6

3. Borland Delphi 5/6

4. MS Visual Basic for Applications

Primary APIs:

1. WinAPI (including GDI and UI dialogs)

2. STL (file managing, containers, algorithms etc.)

3. COM (knack of producing components and servers)

4. DirectX (including DX9c)

Other APIs:

1. Borland VCL


3. OpenGL (except for nVidia and ATI additions)


1. Sprites (billboards, decals, particles)

2. Isometry and pseudo-3D

3. User Interface (GUI & HUD)

4. etc.


1. Indoors rendering (occlusions, BSP, portals)

2. Outdoors rendering (CLOD, PVS, tiling, splatting)

3. Skeleton animation

4. Shaders and HLSL

5. etc.

Other techniques:

1. Multithreading

2. Physics algorithms

3. AI algorithms

4. 2D/3D sound through DirectSound

5. 2D/3D music through DirectMusic

6. Networking through DirectPlay

  • $100

    Требуется разработка графического контента для демоверсии 2Д-игры 'Бомбермэн'. Необходимы персонажи, бомбы, огонь, монстры и бонусы, все с анимацией. Арт должен быть в тайлах 64х92 с изометрическим наклоном и отличаться яркостью и динамичностью. Возможность дальнейшего сотрудничества.

    19 лет назад