Email:[email protected]


Personal information

Name: Oleksandr Zozulia

Age: 18 (DEC 5th 1997)

Current location: Greece, Crete 

Residence: Ukraine, Lithuanian TRP


2004-2015 - Secondaryschool #39

2006-2015 - ChessProfessional school

2014-2015 - Combat sambo(martial art) sport section

2015- current moment -LCC International University(International Business Administration)

Work Experience 

During summer of 2014 I worked as a waiter in cafeteria "Tri


During  the schoolyear of 2014-2014 I worked as MTS promoter (direct sales of mobile sets)

During the summer of 2015I worked as MTS promo-coordinator (I was responsible for under 18 years old


During my first year inUniversity (2015-2016) I worked as a chess coach, also I did personal tutoring

for kids.

Receptionistat Sunshine Village hotel 01.05.2016 – present

Freelancer(Upwork) in transcription and translation.

Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), Ukrainian (fluent), Basics of



Achievements: CM(Candidate Master) in chess, Participation in 2 archaeological expeditions.

Being promoted to the position of the promo-coordinator at MTS,

Receiving a grade-based scholarship in my University.

Being chosen as an RA(Residant Assiastant) for the academic year 2016-2017.

Organizing and managing the workof the chess club in myUniversity.






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