Microsoft Windows95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista, Linux

Microsoft Office, Open Office, MS SQL Server, TCP/IP

Graphics: Corel Draw, Photoshop

3D graphics: 3D Studio Max, ArchiCad, AutoCad

Web Development: HTML, Scripts for test (Selenium IDE, RC, Grid (basic knowledge))

Basic knowledges of programming language: C++, JavaScript, Php

Testing: preparation for test-plans and check-lists, regression scripts, work with Mantis, Jira and Ace project Bug Trackers, Assembla, Bugzilla.

working by Agile methodology using scrum process

Experience in testing flash games on PC / Mac platforms

experience to test software in Android/Windows mobile emulators

Expirience to test windows software with devexpress and crystal reports.

Expirience to work with Fiddler (Post, Get, Put methods)

November 2010 – for present

Elementool Inc.: QA tester (remote)

Testing Elementool project management system

September 2010 – December 2010

Logical Design: QA Analyst (remote)

Testing Freeskier and Snowboard-mag website

September 2010 – December 2010

Injoit: QA tester (remote)

Testing Android applications and web servicies for Android

January 2010 – October 2010

Prologic corp.: QA Analyst (remote)

Aquaserv (Delta Lake Irrigation District)

May 2008 – August 2010

Newdea Inc. (general project with PilgrimCS): QA lead (remote)

Testing Newdea website (Agile, Scrum)

July 2006 – May 2008

Arkadium Inc.: Game Tester

Web applications testing

Flash games testing (poker system and online games)

January 2006 – July 2006

Ameria Gmbh: Web tester

Web applications testing:

AZ-Generator - flash

Mailing Generator

University of St. Gallen

Mersedes Cup

October 2005 – August 2006

PDI Ltd: Designer

Design electrical installation mobile station (for Life :), Dekka, Astelit)

January 2004 – June 2005

Designservise: Designer

Interior design


English - an average level, reading of the engineering specifications.


Specialist in Computer Science, 2006

Crimean State Industrial Engineering University , Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine

Master in Applied mathematics, 2006

Tavryan National University, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine


Loyalty, creative, steadiness, absence of conflict, honesty, trainee, skill to work with the documentation.

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