Необходимо перенести часть кода из старой версии файла Assembly-CSharp.dll в новую версию. Код представляет собой ссылки на вызов npc в андроид приложении. В новой версии dll файла структура кода ...
Anastasija Semicheva
Borodinskaya Str. 5, 48
Phone number: +38 050 4843136 ICQ number: 9691472
E-mail address: [email protected] Skype ID: greattranslate.com
Web site: http://www.greattranslate.com
September 2007, Zaporozhye Chamber of Commerce, participant of “Custom legislation in foreign economic activity” seminar.
2000 - 2006 Zaporizhian National University, acquired Master of foreign economic management/Business English interpreter diploma.
According to grades during 5 years, I’ve graduated from the university with first class grade (A grades equivalent)
Modules included:
- management
- marketing
- foreign-trade operations
- theory and practice of English translation
- business English
- German
2000 Preparation in ZNU; a special program leading to entry to the
Zaporizhian National University
1991 – 2000 Secondary school # 73, Zaporozhye. Finished school with distinction.
2007 – 2008 Freelancer, work as interpreter
2006 – 2008 “Promsplav” Ltd, Foreign-trade manager. Responsible for translation of business documentation.
November 2003 “Global Volunteers” program, worked as interpreter with delegation from the US.
Russian Native language
Ukrainian Second native language
English Fluent English, almost 15 years of experience
German Basic knowledge
Computing. Windows, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver software skilled user.
Good HTML, PHP, CSS knowledge. Can create and administer websites.
Driving. Full current clean driving license
Computers. Computers and programming for sure are my biggest hobby. Actually, I believe, that one day this hobby will turn into my regular job. I continue a process of self-perfection and self-education in this sphere, currently learning PHP, MySQL and Apache.
Photography. I’m a photographer with 10 years of practise. The appearance of digital reflex cameras has opened new horizons for me, such as digital image processing and correction.
Sport. I think a healthy body is the key to a focused mind in today’s society. I enjoy running and fitness, which help me keeping myself in good shape.
My strong points:
- diligent
- hard-working
- obliging
- serious
- communicative
- friendly
- ready to help
- responsible attitude to work
- Мобильные приложения2 заявкиЗакрыт10 лет назад
Требуется дизайн и верстка для сайта окологотической тематики. Ничего сложного не нужно, у меня есть довольно четкое представление где, что и как должно быть. Дизайн в стиле темного минимализма, psd + верстка. Кроме главной ...
Дизайн сайтов1 исполнительЗакрыт17 лет назад