При добавлении или редактировании новостей в опенкарте вылазит ошибка

Notice: Undefined variable: product_id in /home/***/domains/goldwell.pp.ua/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-admin_model_catalog_product.php on line 4Notice: Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE product_id = '0'' at line 1

Error No: 1064

INSERT INTO oc_product SET model = '3333', sku = '', upc = '', ean = '', jan = '', isbn = '', mpn = '', location = '', quantity = '1', minimum = '1', subtract = '1', stock_status_id = '5', date_available = '2015-11-28', manufacturer_id = '0', shipping = '1', price = '0', points = '0', weight = '0', weight_class_id = '1', length = '0', width = '0', height = '0', length_class_id = '1', status = '1', tax_class_id = '0', sort_order = '1', date_added = NOW(), canonicial = '0', canonicial_link = '' WHERE product_id = '0' in/home/***/domains/goldwell.pp.ua/public_html/system/database/mysql.php on line 50

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