"My Little World of Vitebsk"
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Мультимедийная презентация, учавствовавшая в европейском конкурсе "Siemens Join Multimedia 2005" и занявшая призовое 8 место среди нескольких тысяч проектов.
Для проекта написаны оригинальные статьи, музыка, удобный интерфейс.
Проект на английском языке.
Our presentation acquaints the audience with some typical features of the ancient history and culture of our city. It also shows the modern cultural identity. The presentation includes the following parts: history, folk-lore, fine arts, public holidays and festivals. The pages of the presentation contain some video, photos, reproduction of paintings, audio and textual information with some original music. The unique feature of our presentation is an interactive map of the historical parts of our city. This is where all the monuments of architecture, cultural centers, museums and exhibition halls are marked. With a simple operation anyone can make a trip into the city and become acquainted with its many wonderful sights.
This project is designed for a wide audience and it is of great interest for all who wants to learn about Europe and about Belarus particulary. Some parts of our presentation give general information about the city and some of them contain information, which we have found in the archives of the Vitebsk libraries and museums. This project will be of great interest for specialists in the different aspects of culture.
Thanks to our participation in the Siemens competition, we have learned much new and unique information about our city. By working on this project, we feel strongly that we could make our presentation even more complete and interesting with more time. We are grateful for this opportunity. Thank you very much.