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This is a new service for streamers, which allows to raffle prizes among viewers of streams through tournament competitions in «Rock Paper Scissors» game. Participants can have fun playing a simple and well-known game, comunicate with their favorite streamer and compete for a valuable prizes.

The Challenge

Working on a large project all alone is always a big challenge. Especially when the product is not quite standard. Furthermore it was my first time working on a browser game, where responsive design should be not only horizontally, but also vertically. Also the colors and styles should be much brighter than those with which I am used to working.

The Solution

At first, I was afraid that the design of the game would require too many graphic elements from me, whereas I am not a graphic designer. Luckily for me, both I and the customers wanted to keep the interface clean and minimal. More important is that the game remains bright and enticing.

Contact me

I create laconic and functional designs. If you need one, I am always available for new projects.




