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Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.

Здравствуйте,пришла абуза на сайт от http://www.clean-mx.de на наличее Malware вируса. Сканировал сайт програмvой virus total пишет такое:

Сканер ссылок Результат

Antiy-AVL Malware site

Fortinet Malware site

Sophos Malicious site

malwares.com URL checker Malicious site

virus name: Includer.SRC


please help to close these offending viruses sites(1) so far.

status: As of 2014-10-07 08:38:50 CEST

Please preserve on any reply our Subject: [clean-mx-viruses-43213977](>([email protected]) viruses sites (1 so far) within your network, please close them! status: As of 2014-10-07 08:38:50 CEST

http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/[email protected]&response=alive

(for full uri, please scroll to the right end ...

We detected many active cases dated back to 2007, so please look at the date column below.

You may also subscribe to our MalwareWatch list http://lists.clean-mx.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/viruswatch

This information has been generated out of our comprehensive real time database, tracking worldwide viruses URI's

If your review this list of offending site, please do this carefully, pay attention for redirects also!

Also, please consider this particular machines may have a root kit installed !

So simply deleting some files or dirs or disabling cgi may not really solve the issue !

Advice: The appearance of a Virus Site on a server means that someone intruded into the system. The server's owner should disconnect and not return the system into service until an audit is performed to ensure no data was lost, that all OS and internet software is up to date with the latest security fixes, and that any backdoors and other exploits left by the intruders are closed. Logs should be preserved and analyzed and, perhaps, the appropriate law enforcement agencies notified.


You may forward my information to law enforcement, CERTs, other responsible admins, or similar agencies.



|date |id |virusname |ip |domain |Url|



|2014-10-07 05:43:34 CEST |43213977 |Includer.SRC | |sitename.com |

http:// sitename.com



Your email address has been pulled out of whois concerning this offending network block(s).

If you are not concerned with anti-fraud measurements, please forward this mail to the next responsible desk available...

If you just close(d) these incident(s) please give us a feedback, our automatic walker process may not detect a closed case

explanation of virusnames:

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unknown_html_RFI_php not yet detected by scanners as RFI, but pure php code for injection

unknown_html_RFI_perl not yet detected by scanners as RFI, but pure perl code for injection

unknown_html_RFI_eval not yet detected by scanners as RFI, but suspect javascript obfuscationg evals

unknown_html_RFI not yet detected by scanners as RFI, but trapped by our honeypots as remote-code-injection

unknown_html not yet detected by scanners as RFI, but suspious, may be in rare case false positive

unknown_exe not yet detected by scanners as malware, but high risk!

all other names malwarename detected by scanners

Показать цитируемый текст


Gerhard W. Recher


net4sec UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

Leitenweg 6

D-86929 Penzing

GSM: ++49 171 4802507

Geschaeftsfuehrer: Martina Recher

Handelsregister Augsburg: HRB 27139

EG-Identnr: DE283762194

w3: http://www.clean-mx.de

e-Mail: mailto:[email protected]

PGP-KEY: Fingerprint: A4E317B6DC6494DCC9616366A75AB34CDD0CE552 id: 0xDD0CE552

Location: http://www.clean-mx.de/downloads/abuse-at-clean-mx.de.pub.asc

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