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The price and pictures listed is for the installation of glass partition which is the size of 32 meters squared and 2 Glass Doors.
If you have a question, please give us a call so we can talk through your project
You can easily work out the estimate cost for your glass partitioning using the guide below
Glass Partition with Installation
Just simply measure in metres and add all the lengths of partition together and multiply it by the height of it.
Glass Partitions: (L1+L2+L3+L4) x H x £135 (per m2) = Glass Price
Doors: number of doors x £950 (per door) = Doors Price
Total cost = Glass price + Doors Price
Further discounts available for large projects
Price includes professional installation. (please note the price does not include VAT)
Not sure if your measurements are correct? Please give us a call we will be happy to help
Glass Partitions Specification
- 10mm Toughened Glass [Up to 33dB (A)] (height up to 2800mm)
- Standard track colour, RAL 9010 (white)
- Frameless glass door
- Standard DDA Dots Film Manifestation
Other options available
- 12mm Toughened Glass [Up to 37dB (A)] (height up to 3000mm)
- Double glazed System
- Custom made manifestation
- Sliding and acoustic framed door
- Track in other RAL colours
Benefits of buying from us:
- Complete support from initial contact to aftercare
- Installation is included in the quote
- Flexible work schedule
- Available to work out of normal working hours
- Hassle free
- One stop shop
- 10 years in Business
- Over 250 Project completed
We now cover an even bigger area!
Installation process
1. Measure up the heights and widths you need in meters. The price can then be worked out by using our description above. Alternatively, if you are not sure you can call us and we can advise you a quote over the phone. Please note any quote given from measurements provided, could be subject to change if the glass size required is a different measurement to that which was originally provided.
2. If you have any pictures, drawing or sketches please send them to us. This will help us to advise the best possible solution and make sure you achieve the results you are looking for. If you have any questions please contact us so we can talk through your project, we can discuss different solutions and options until you are absolutely satisfied with the result.
3. Once everything is confirmed and you are happy with the quote, we set a date that is convenient for you for installation. The Installation process usually takes between 2 and 4 weeks, depending on the project size. Usually, installation is carried out in two separate visits – fixing the tracks in on the first visit and then fitting the glass panels on in a second visit. At the end of the installation our team will demonstrate to you how the system operates and make sure you are absolutely happy with the result!
Here at KOVA, we have been helping businesses to improve their image, premises and presence in Greater London for almost 10 years. We manage the entire fit out process from start to finish. So far we have worked on over 250 projects, helping companies realise their potential and enabling them to create better work spaces for their employees.
additional information
London Office: Moorgate House, 5- 8 Dysart ST, London. EC2A 2BX
Essex Office: Suite 211, Sterling House, 214-215 Langston Road, Loughton, IG10 3TS
Tel: 0845 625 6241 / Fax: 0845 625 6242
2016 © Kova. All Rights Reserved
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