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Есть сайт http://yii.christianvibes.com/ клиент хочет добавить 2 фичи:

1) I need to have a facebook style top menu (the menu at the top of the page that has your profile photo, logout and settings link etc). The menu will show updates without refreshing the page, is that it will show when you get a new message, friend request etc without you having to reload the page to see the notification icons.

2) I need to clone the facebook popup view for photos, when you are on the news feed page for example - and you click on a photo, it load that photo without you having to leave the page, I need to clone that feature. I also want to reduce the size of the photo resolutions - i see some small thumbnails that we have are over 10kb when they should be around 3kb and to maintain a relative good quality after that.

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