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SoftTechnics corporation is the leader in the sphere of IT outsourcing services with clients based in United Stated, United Kingdom, Germany and other locations. We are happy to invite new interesting people to join our dynamic and progressive team and can guarantee you will be satisfied with our office conditions, excellent prospect of promotion and possibilities of financial growth we provide. Our common practice is arranging trainings for the company staff to learn new technologies as they are introduced to the market. In other words, you will never be bored! We invite responsible, intelligent and professional people to take the challenge and apply for a "Senior PHP Developer" full-time position in our company.

Position requirements:

* Excellent knowledge PHP, SQL and MySQL

* Good knowledge JavaScript (AJAX), HTML, CSS, DOM)

* Knowledge of methodology RUP

* Excellent knowledge methodology ООP and MVC

* Knowledge SQL and relational DB

* Ability to make technical documentation

* Experience of working with control version systems (CVS, SVN)

* Good knowledge of technical English language

Personal skills:

* Skill to communicate, purposefulness, leader qualities, responsibility.


* The company provides comfortable working conditions

* Official registration, paid vacation and sick leaves

* Good salary according to the results of interview

If you are interested in this position, and you meet all the requirements, mentioned above, please mail your CV to: resume @softtechnics.biz

Tel. 0964424675

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