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We are hiring team of developers.

One Senior PHP developer, 2-5 developers.

Developers will need to work with PHP, MySQL, Flash ActionScript, different PHP libraries, and some Perl.

Senior PHP developer has to have good English language skills. He/she will lead others. Others on the team have to be able to read and write in English.

Hours: The team needs to work full time. This will be a big and long term project, with very strong possibility of hiring additional people later as project growth bigger and a good team performance.

We will have interview with the candidates by Skype. We also are sending our representative in Kiev to conduct the final interview.

If you are interested in this opportunity please contact us [email protected].

18 лет назад
Losik Vieta 
79 лет
18 лет в сервисе
18 лет назад

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