Найдите исполнителя для вашего проекта прямо сейчас!
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Нужно разработать сайт - каталог курсов на английском языке. Задание с перечнем историй пользователей и с набросками интерфейса есть на английском языке. Перечень историй пользователей см. ниже.

Код должен быть качественный, хорошо задокументированный.

Платформа для разработки Linux, PHP, MySQL. Фреймворк - на выбор разработчика.

В предложениях прошу указать следующие данные:

- примерная оценка проекта по стоимости и по времени (можно будет после изучения тз уточнить),

- стоимость вашей работы в час (т.к. возможно делать его будем на почасовой основе),

- предложение по поводу фреймворка,

- ссылки на сайты каталогов, которые вы разрабатывали (если есть).

********* Description ************

Environment: LAMP (Linux, Apache2, MySQL, PHP).

Platform: let the developer to suggest.

We envision implementing the following user types:

* Directory admin – logged in user who manages different aspects of directory website.

* Courses provider – registered and logged in user who can publish courses at the website.

* Courses buyer – registered and logged in user who can review courses and providers, who can see courses details, ask questions and inquiry courses of his choice.

* Anonymous user – user who can search for the courses and access public pages of the website.

We've got the following user stories described:

1. Admin

1. Admin dashboard and menu

2. CRUDL courses categories (subject areas)

3. CRUDL courses types

4. CRUDL pricing options

5. Payment gateway integration

6. Withdrawal requests

7. Official provider settings

8. Approve new providers registrations

9. CRUDL users

10. Send individual messages to definite users (providers and buyers) or mass messages

11. CRUDL newsletters

12. MailChimp integration

13. Perform content management for static website pages and blocks including seo

14. CRUDL public questions and answers

15. CRUDL reviews and ratings

16. RUDL courses inquiries

17. View courses statistics

18. Manage notification templates

19. Manage website settings

2. Provider

1. Provider user menu

2. Edit profile

3. CRUDL courses (save draft courses, publish and depublish courses)

4. Pay for listing the courses

5. Create featured courses and promote them to the homepage

6. View public questions about provider's courses and respond them

7. View courses inquiries, respond them, classify them acc. to the aim: inquiry, enrollment, declined

8. CRUDL message templates

9. CRUDL venues

10. CRUDL teachers

11. CRUDL contact persons

12. View courses statistics

13. Abuse a buyer

3. Buyer

1. Buyer user menu

2. Edit profile

3. Search for courses by several criteria

4. Browse courses with expanded information

5. Inquiry course provider about the course

6. View and respond provider's messages

7. Ask public question about the course

8. Review and rate the course

9. Save the course for future reference

10. Browse saved courses

11. Compare courses

12. Browse providers profiles

13. Providers listing page

14. View individual provider profile

15. Abuse a course / report a mistake

4. Anonymous

1. Main navigation menu

2. Search for courses by several criteria

3. Courses listing page

4. Browse courses with limited access to general information only

5. Browse providers profiles

6. Read static pages

7. Register as a provider, agency or buyer

8. Login

5. System

1. Notification messages

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