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vot primer http://www.expensesteward.com/PriceQuote/

eta forma doljna prisilat email posle togo kak zapolnena prishedshim na sait. Pojaluista utochnite na kakom yazike budet forma sdelana, i esli mojete dat link na primeri sdelannogo ranee?

Voprosi (*=neobhodimo zapolnit):

1. Contact Information

*Full Name _________



*Confirm Email (forma doljna proverit chto email sovpadaet)


*2. Property type

Varianti: Yacht, Private Residence, Vacation Home, Estate

Esli vibrani Private Residence, vacation home ili estate, togda dalshe forma doljna sprashivat:

*Location _________



*How many people in total including house staff, owner(s) and other involved parties will need access to the software?

Varianti 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

*Please estimate the average amount of expenses that you plan to manage for this property monthly (including non-operational expenses such as food, house parties etc): net variantov, prosto text _________________________

Do you have/manage other homes/yachts that might be managed in our software?

Any questions? _____________

*How did you hear about us? _____________

Esli vibrana Yacht

Yacht Size _________

Number of Crew__________

*How many people in total including crew members, managers, owner(s) and other involved parties will need access to the software?

Varianti 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

*Please estimate the average amount of expenses that you plan to manage for this yacht annually: _________________________

Do you have/manage other yachts/homes that might be managed in our software?


Any questions? _____________

*How did you hear about us? _____________

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