Нам нужно срочно (за 2-3 дня) сделать программную часть сайта некоммерческой организации. Основные требования к функциональности/стуктуре сайта приведены ниже.


1. Home – should have the following fields so Administrator can make changes at anytime: all these statements will be on home page.

- Our Mission – will be a description about the mission

- Peter Schick Foundation - will be a description about the foundation

- Vision - will be a description about the vision

- The Founder - will be a description about the founder.

2. FAQ – should have the ability to for administrator to add question about the website.

3. Educations & Solutions – will have a drop down menu with the following links:

3.1. Educations & Solutions – should be a page with the following links on the center of the page.

- You & Your Doctor

- What is AIDS & HIV?

- The Blood Tests You’ll Need.

- Things You Should Know Before You Starting.

- Treatment & Medication

- Opportunistic Infections (OIs)

- Special Issues for Women

3.2. Safe Sex – should have the ability to add title and body text to the page.

3.3. Experience - should have the ability to add title and body text to the page.

4. Events & Workshops – should have the ability to add the event information such as, description about the event date, time, and location. Have the ability to add more than one event in the same page.

5. HIV News – will have a drop down menu with the following links:

- HIV News - should have the ability to add as many links as the Administrator wants.

- Archive – every information needs to be archived in archived page.

- News Articles Links – this page should have the ability to put different links that when visitors click on the link it will open a page (browser).

- Peter Schick Commentary - “very important page and most useable page on this website” this page should have the ability to add articles with a title, small description and read more. Note – not only one article but as many articles as the Administrator wants on the same page.

6. Message Board - phpBB

7. Contact us – will have a drop down menu with the following links:

- Contact us - page should have a form build in with the following fields: Name, Last name, E-mail Address, Comments.

- Register for Updates & News Letter - page should have a form build in with the following fields: Name, Last name, E-mail Address.

- Your Opinion Matters - page should have a form build in with the following fields: Name, Last name, E-mail Address, Comments.

- Volunteer Opportunities - page should have a form build in with the following fields: Name, Last name, E-mail Address, Comments.

8. Make A Donation – should be linked to PayPal Account directly. “Note” Can we have the PayPal page inside the page, so they don’t have to leave the Schick foundation website?


Дизайн сайта готов, его делать не нужно.


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