Cogniance is one of the leading full-service software consultancies specializing in complex, leading edge projects for early stage venture backed technology companies looking for skillful AJAX GUI Developer to join team working on challenging Web2.0 project based on Java.

Compulsory skills:

- At least Intermediate level of English

- Minimum 2 years experience working at building web applications

- High level of Java Script/AJAX

- working knowledge of CSS/HTML/DHTML/XHTML

- cross-browsing development experience

Company offers:

- Competitive salary

- Bonus system and regular salary reviews (4 times per year)

- Flexible working hours

- Office on Pechersk

- Medical insurance

- Free English courses

- Great team and challenging projects

- Business trips to USA

If you are interested in this position, please send us detailed CV to [email protected] matching title of the opening in the subject line.

To know more about the vacancy please contact HR manager at: skype: tatyana_fedotova, or icq 319782816

17 лет назад
Tatyana Fedotova 
125 лет
17 лет в сервисе
13 лет назад

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