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  Therefore I suggest that you send me a worked out Information Memorandum (see annex) and an valuation of Avella. The valuation of the company should be based on a combination of profitability value and net asset value, where the profitability value has a weight of 2 and the net asset value a weight of 1. Profitability ValueThe profitability value can be calculated on the basis of the weighted average of the results of the past 3 years and the next year. The weighting of the annual results is as follows:2018 1x2019 2x2020 3x2021 1xProfitability value is (1*result 2018 + 2*result 2019 + 3*expected result 2020 + 1*expected result 2021)/6 =Expected result is as planned in business plan/budget. Intrinsic ValueWhen determining the net asset value of the company, the nature and character of the company must also be taken into account in addition to the available equity capital at 31-12-2019. As is known, the nature and character of the present enterprise entails a certain risk for which a certain resistance buffer should be provided. Such a provision for technical aspects is not included in the annual accounts presented to us. However, we consider a provision for a resistance buffer legal and in accordance with the size and nature of the business activities.In the approach to the net asset value of the company, the available equity capital as at 31-12-2019 will have to be corrected with such a provision. Value company Avella:The formula is used in determining the value of the company:(2 x Profitability value + 1 x Net asset value) / 3 = value indication of the company

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