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Необходимые навыки

Golang development experience 2+ years

Golang code optimization experience

Fluent in data structures and algorithms

Covering code with tests, measuring performance

Experience in developing asynchronous apps

Будет плюсом

TimeSeries databases, gathering and storing metrics

Cross-platform Go development (daemons/services)

Open-source projects (and have active GitHub account)

Message queuing (RabbitMQ, AWS MQ)


Unlimited (truly!) professional and career growth

Designing a world-class tech system

Financial grown with the company (bonuses, shares)

Flexible working schedule, possibility to work remotely

No bureaucracy, no legacy code

We start working remotely, later we all unite in beautiful office in center of Kyiv

5 лет назад
41 год
17 лет в сервисе
4 дня назад

Заявки фрилансеров

32 года
5 лет в сервисе
5 лет назад
5 лет назад