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Пример – есть текст вида:

Hey guys, it's Jeremy. Welcome to the interview series. Today I'm here with fader and calibres you and I. And today's topic is intro to stripper game. Yay. First of all, this might be a rhetorical question but why is this topic of interest?

I think that a lot of people,

really want to get really attractive girls girls for really sexual strippers are the creme de la creme when it comes to sexuality. Being very attractive and

depending on your skill set is probably the easiest way to get bisexual girls who are into threesomes.

Его нужно преобразовать в:

Hey guys, it's Jeremy. Welcome to the interview series. Today I'm here with fader and calibres you and I. And today's topic is intro to stripper game. Yay. First of all, this might be a rhetorical question but why is this topic of interest?

I think that a lot of people, really want to get really attractive girls girls for really sexual strippers are the creme de la creme when it comes to sexuality. Being very attractive and depending on your skill set is probably the easiest way to get bisexual girls who are into threesomes.

6 лет назад
44 года
19 лет в сервисе
3 года назад

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