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Требуется разработка системы вебкастинг на основе наиболее подходящего из серверов (Wowza, Red5, FMS).

Система будет включать окна видео, презентаций, вопросов. Опции работы в реальном времени а так-же запись и проигрывание вебкастов на сервере.


We need to create a webcasting platform, which will allow me to

broadcast video and audio of a presenter alongside his presentation.

To minimise required bandwidth, presentation should be shown not as

a second video stream, but as uploaded slides, controlled by the

presenter with "next/previous" buttons on the presenter's interface.

Later on I would like to add the ability to show presenter's

desktop, so anything could be presented (not just uploaded slides).

Also, the system has to have the option to allow viewers to type in

questions, which will be displayed to the presenter during Questions & Answers session.

Sessions will be accessible via link with optional password.

Option to record on the server, so the webcast can be accessed and played later.

Ideally in the format accessible from as many devises as possible.

Help deciding on the best server: Red5, FMS, Wowza. Help deciding

on the best server option and CDN (in-house, ousourced, Amazon EC2, etc).

Longer term plan is to develop the platform which can be used by

any client via signing in on the website, supported either via

advertising for the free version or pay-per-view of subscription basis.

Examples: I quite like this simple solution in this link

http://www.dinkcs.co.uk/fv43/v43.html. I like the video/presentation size slider.

Let me know if you have experience in this area, willing to do it and what are your costs?

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