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Добрый день! Нуждаюсь в помощи с написанием программы для университетской работы по Phyton. Говорю откровенно и сразу, в написании кода вообще ничего не понимаю. К данному сообщению прикреплю файл, как сказали одногруппники, там работы не более, чем на час. Задание написано на английском, если нужна будет какая-то моя помощь в плане перевода, то я без проблем смогу помочь. Спасибо большое за прочтение данного сообщения и надеюсь на скорейший ответ! Хорошего Вам дня!

Так же вот условие написания кода, само задание прикрепленно в фотографии:

• Please do use the module/function/method you think is right for the job. For instance, if you think you can do something more easily with the help of a regular expression, please use them. This also applies to other (built-in) functions. But only if you can make it very clear (either through comments or in the way that you write your code) that you do understand how they work.

• If you 'borrow' lines of code from online fora or guides, then give a citation (e.g. in a comment) in the form of a URL. Also, describe (again, in comments) what it is doing. The UvA's rules for plagiarism apply. See the syllabus (https://canvas.uva.nl/courses/22381/assignments/syllabus) for more details.

Так же вот само задание с файла прикрепленого ниже:

Yasiin Bey previously known by his stage name Mos Def is a legendary MC, rapper, political activist, and actor. His own work

often addresses socio-political issues through the use of masterful lyrics and rhimes. Mathematics, a song from his solo debut

album Black on Both Sides is a stunning example of this, where he pars about socio injustices in the 90s ( most still relevant today)

through statistics in the US whilist highlighting the dangers and dehumanization of reducing peoples to mere numbers.

In this exercise, we analyze some basic statistics regarding this song:

1. How many non-empty lines are there in this song?

2. On which line does Yassin refer to A Tribe Called Quest's song "8 million stories" (apart from referencing Tribe's laid-back style of beats)?

Print the line and the line number.

3. How many lines contained within the song lyrics correspond to meta information? Meta information about the song is contained within

square brackets. For instance :"[Outro]".

Please use functions and function documentation where applicable.

Kind regards,

Svider Nikita

3 года назад
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