Написать код Java

Создать простой интерфейс

Связать с базой данных mysql


1- Implement a Database with a minimum of 4 tables: draw the ER diagram of all

tables and show the

relationship (primary key, foreign key, one to one or one to many links);

2- Write Java program that implements a GUI;

3- Your Java program should have some basic functionalities such as reading all the

records from a

table in the DB, insert a new record to the table, delete a record, and clear the GUI


4- The program should have at least 4 buttons that upon clicking would accomplish the

tasks in

number 3 above.

5- Test your application in one single machine (local)

4 года назад
4 года в сервисе
4 года назад

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23 года
7 лет в сервисе
4 года назад
6 отзывов(-3)
4 года назад