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Описание проблемы: nginx на фронтэнде, апач на бекэнде

В логах апача появляется child pid xxxx exit signal Bus error (7)

При этом пользователь видит ошибку 502. И такое происходит несколько раз в минуту. Нужно решить проблему.

Приходит сообщение:

Memcached[1] is an open-source distributed memory object caching system

which is generic in nature but often used for speeding up dynamic web

applications. Memcached does not support any forms of authorization.

Thus, anyone who can connect to the memcached server has unrestricted

access to the data stored in it. This allows attackers e.g. to steal

sensitive data like login credentials for web applications or any other

kind of content stored with memcached.

The Shadowserver 'Open Memcached Key-Value Store Scanning Project'

identifies memcached servers which are openly accessible from the

Internet. Shadowserver provides CERT-Bund with the test results

for IP addresses in Germany for notification of the owners of the

affected systems. Futher information on the tests run by Shadowserver

is available at [2].

Please find below a list of affected systems hosted on your network.

The timestamp (timezone UTC) indicates when the system was found

to be running an openly accessible memcached server.

We would like to ask you to check this issue and take appropriate

steps to secure the memcached servers on the affected systems or

notify your customers accordingly. Information on how to secure

memcached is available e.g. at [3].

If you have recently solved the issue but received this notification

again, please note the timestamp included below. You should not

receive any further notifications with timestamps after the issue

has been solved.

Три администратора уже пытались решить проблему и безуспешно.


9 лет назад
34 года
12 лет в сервисе
2 года назад

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