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Проверить сервер на наявность скрытых root администраторов

Описание проблемы, то что пришло в письме от хостинг провайдера:

You have a system on your network that is actively scanning and/or attacking external sites on the Internet. This can come from many sources and because it is often difficult to detect this activity, we are sending this E-mail in an attempt to help you solve the problem.

We have detected your system with an IP of, 176.9.47.xxx, scanning a client we monitor. This was not a short attack but a prolonged scan and/or probe that was designed to find and intrude into the target network.

This may be someone on your network who is actively trying to hack others. This person may be a legitimate user on your network or it may be that this system has been compromised and is being used by someone to hack others. It is also likely that the system is running automated tools that have been installed to perform these actions without any human intervention.

Below is the information about the attack. Keep in mind that the source IP of our client has been sanitized for anonymity.

Date: 06/30/2014

Time: 19:43:24

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Source(s): 176.9.47.xxx

Type of Attack/Scan: Generic



176.9.47.xxx:94 >

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