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Our client - large Western company is looking for Web Consultant for Sakhalin office.


Ability to relocate to Russian regions.

Higher technical education.

Experience in Web development and support from 1 year.

Experience working with HTML, JavaScript, ASP / ASP.NET from 1 year.

Good knowledge of English.


Administering, controlling and maintaining company's Intranet web site.

Providing consultancy on Intranet and general Web issues.

Developing and conducting training courses for the employees.

Researching and implementing new ways of information organization.

Compensation: $2200 gross + good social package. Position will reside in company's Sakhalin office. Company provides relocation to Sakhalin.

Send your CV to Anton Barchuk, [email protected] (please put "WEB-MC" in Subject line)

19 лет назад
125 лет
19 лет в сервисе
19 лет назад

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