Нужнo пoсtроить tакую мoдель aлгoриtмa, oснoвaннoго на принципе квaнтoвания. 2 процеccoрa. Фиксированнaя величинa квaнтa процеcc. времени. Остальное лично. Модель на самом деле совсем тривиальная должна быть, это не научная работа.
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3 word phrases frequency :
Expression Expression count Frequency Prominence
mobility radeon driver 4 1.2% 59.3
ati mobility radeon 4 1.2% 59.6
the ati mobility 3 0.9% 46.7
you can watch 2 0.6% 35.6
driver you can 2 0.6% 65.6
radeon driver you 2 0.6% 65.9
4 word phrases frequency :
Expression Expression count Frequency Prominence
ati mobility radeon driver 4 1.2% 59.4
the ati mobility radeon 3 0.9% 46.5
radeon driver you can 2 0.6% 65.8
mobility radeon driver you 2 0.6% 66.1
5 word phrases frequency :
Expression Expression count Frequency Prominence
the ati mobility radeon driver 3 0.9% 46.4
mobility radeon driver you can 2 0.6% 66
ati mobility radeon driver you 2 0.6% 66.3
ATI Mobility Radeon driver you can now convert your PC into a virtual entertainment powerhouse. Right from enjoying your favorite games to watching the latest movies, you can do a lot, once you install this latest graphics processor.
The ATI Mobility Radeon driver has come as great news for avid gaming enthusiasts. You can expect the best in class performance from this powerful program. Life like gaming experience is what you will find once you have installed it in your PC. Fully loaded with several features, it also helps you play HD content as well as watch movies on Blu-ray discs, making it one of the most sought after pieces of software these days.
This particular driver is easy to install and configure too. Make sure though , that you download the software from a reputable website. You must also make sure that your computer has got other software that is compatible with the download. All that you need to do in order to install the driver is to keep following the instructions that come on your computer’s monitor. The entire installation process will be over in a few minutes time.
You can watch the difference in the visual quality as soon as you install the ATI Mobility Radeon driver. You can watch all the latest DVD movies in high definition quality , thanks to the program. simultaneously you also get to enjoy the latest audio technologies too, making it a must for all those who love their movies. In fact , all these features has made the ATI Mobility Radeon driver a favorite with those who store images frequently, watch movies , play games and create their own home videos.
Are You Looking for ATI Drivers for your PC or Laptop?
Our Experts have done a detailed study on Some Automatic ATI Driver Update Tools and Found the Best One to use. Don’t forget to do a free Drivers Scan at Your PC.
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к примеру такой
With ATI Mobility Radeon driver you can now convert your PC into a virtual entertainment powerhouse. Right from enjoying your favorite games to watching the latest movies, you can do a lot, once you install this latest graphics processor.
The ATI Mobility Radeon driver has come as great news for avid gaming enthusiasts. You can expect the best in class performance from this powerful program. Life like gaming experience is what you will find once you have installed it in your PC. Fully loaded with several features, it also helps you play HD content as well as watch movies on Blu-ray discs, making it one of the most sought after pieces of software these days.
This particular driver is easy to install and configure too. Make sure though , that you download the software from a reputable website. You must also make sure that your computer has got other software that is compatible with the download. All that you need to do in order to install the driver is to keep following the instructions that come on your computers monitor. The entire installation process will be over in a few minutes time.
You can watch the difference in the visual quality as soon as you install the ATI Mobility Radeon driver. You can watch all the latest DVD movies in high definition quality , thanks to the program. simultaneously you also get to enjoy the latest audio technologies too, making it a must for all those who love their movies. In fact , all these features has made the ATI Mobility Radeon driver a favorite with those who store images frequently, watch movies , play games and create their own home videos.
Are You Looking for ATI Drivers for your PC or Laptop?
Our Experts have done a detailed study on Some Automatic ATI Driver Update Tools and Found the Best One to use. Don’t forget to do a free Drivers Scan at Your PC.
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