Несколько простых лабораторных по visual с++ : В архиве находятся несколько файлов, в каждом из них находиться лаб работа. Работу необходимо сделать до пятницы. Напишите стоимость каждой лаб отдельно, т.е. ...
Календарь+ планировщик (java)
НАДО завершить проект к December 14му 18.00:
язык - java
Главные задачи
- The calendar system should mostly look like the windows calendar in the windows system tray
попробуйте найти готовый java календарь + с фришными исходниками он 100% есть!
- Scheduling Events Monitoring system: look like Microsoft Outlook Express
- It is very important part of an application to have menus. It would be better to have a File, Edit, Veiw, Actions, Help, etc.
Вознаграждение $75-$150
Частичная опата возможна только после того как сделан кусок работы и я его увидел!
Предоплаты нету!
детальное описание
For this term, you have to build a calendar and scheduling events monitoring system. Since this is a java programming class, this assignment should be developed only using JAVA. Please remember, that you cannot use javascript, or anything other language. Also, make sure that your project is completed in full. If your project misses any of the below specifications, your project will not be accepted. You can use JAVA API Specification for more help about documentation and how to use API's in JAVA.
The calendar system should mostly look like the windows calendar in the windows system tray. User should be able to go to any month, using a drop down menu. Also, User should be able to go to any year, up or down. The limit for the the year is anywhere from 1900 to infinite. If a user enters a year lower than 1900, an error should be displayed. Also, there should be a highlight on the current day. Moreover, it should display the time that is same on windows, in a small tab, on the calendar. User should be able to change time, at any time. Also, user should be able to set time at different time zones, for example, PST, KST, IST, GMT, etc. Students also need to take the leap year under consideration, which is in month of February.
Scheduling Events Monitoring system:
In the most simplest way to explain, this system should almost look like Microsoft Outlook Express. On the left side, there should be the above specified calendar and on the right side, there should be events scheduling system. The events should be broken up into 3 criterias. Public events, private events, and group events. So, when user clicks on a day in the calender, he will have an option to create a public event, private event, or group event. User should be able to set events at any date they want from year 1900 to infinite. If click on a date in the calendar, an events page should show on the right, showning times for adding events. For example, 9:00, 9:30 am, 10:00 am, 10:30 am, 11:00 am, etc. User should be able to enter any time in 24 hours time frame, for any day. User should be able to enter some text in the times, to create an event.
There is one more thing about the Scheduling event system. There should be a way to view the event by day, week, month, and year. I mentioned that to you, last mail. Also, we need to view the events, without going to the VIEW MENU (but viewing options should be available in the VIEW MENU).
NEED: **** alarm when an event is coming up.****
It is very important part of an application to have menus. It would be better to have a File, Edit, Veiw, Actions, Help, etc. What goes in the menus, you can choose that. Be creative since, this is your project. Maybe in actions, you could have action to create an event. In veiw, you could have veiw event depending on the criteria. Again, just be creative, where a beginner user, who has no knowledge of the system, can go through it, without any issues or problems.
I would consider the scheduling system as the most hardest part of the project. Please be sure to meet the specifications, as asked.
Please make sure that i can run this program using NETBEANS.
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