Software Overview:

EZ Exchange Archive is a tool (application) used to archive all email from

an exchange server using a Journal Mailbox and storing it in an SQL Database

so it can be retrieved via a web based frontend (client). All emails will be

kept for 3 years and at anytime an (school) Administrator will be able to

use the Web Client to retrieve any specific person's emails for a period

dating back 3 years.

*Development needs:*

Part 1: Main App

The application will need to extract information from a Journal Mailbox on

exchange, setting up the data in the proper format (Sender / Recipient /

Date / Time / Body of Email Message) after it extracts the data every 10

minutes (estimated) it should delete it from the Journal Mailbox so it does

not get too large, then sends it to the SQL Database in the format mentioned


Part 2: Web Front End

Once the data has been sent to the SQL Database, a web based frontend will

be needed to access this data. The user should be able to log into this site

(frontend client) then enter search criteria (the email address of the

person in question and a date range if necessary). The application should be

able to retrieve the data in a format that can be viewed, printed and/or

exported to a file format. Also it will need a tools area to setup features

such as UserID and Passwords, export file locations, etc.

Part 3: Installation of the Application

Installation will need to be easy and have the following questions (for the

person installing) +

Server Name

Domain Name or Work Group

Mail Server Name or IP

Mail Server Journal Email Address

Mail Server Journal User and Password

SQL Data Base Name and Location or IP

SQL User and Pass

Admin User and Password for the program itself

When this App installs it can it setup IIS so that the web based

front end just works with out much configuration (is this possible?)

Part 4: Sales/Marketing Product (application) Website

I will create most of the website in which we sell the Application on myself

so as to cut costs. I plan to dev in standard HTML/PHP/CSS with a PayPalPro

merchant solution integrated to handle the transactions. Assistance with the

site may be need (include in quote) for the renewal process - how can we do

this? (see example site below for ideas perhaps)

Example (function only) site:

I have purchased software from this site in the past and it seems

like it may be a good way for us to do it as well - If you would like to download and purchase

their application please let me know and I will pay for it so you can test

how their "system" works (downloading trial from site, purchasing license

from site, renewals, etc)

Technical: SQL

As far as SQL it should be an option weather then have their own SQL Server

or I'm hoping we can include a free SQL with our application to make setup

much easier - do you know of a good free one? Would this work: ?

1) Search should be, User email Address located on the exchange box, Date

and or range of dates.

2) Only an administrator can delete anything from the database

3) yes sounds good but not important for the beta

4) It needs to archive everything that comes in and out of the journal email

box on the exchange server.

18 лет назад
125 лет
18 лет в сервисе
16 лет назад

Выбранный исполнитель

Kadushko Sasha 
39 лет
19 лет в сервисе
16 лет назад
18 лет назад
30 дней

Заявки фрилансеров

Kadushko Sasha 
39 лет
19 лет в сервисе
16 лет назад
18 лет назад
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