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Мне нравятся вот такие презентации: https://business.tutsplus.com/articles/10-best-keynote-presentation-templates--cms-25760


The company insights

The History

Two of my friends had a 30 birthday anniversary at one day.

One of them worked as a system administrator for the last ten years, and another one was an Entrepreneur for five years.

The SysAdmin buys a telescope as a birthday gift for himself; the Entrepreneur gifted himself with a brand new Mercedes-Benz jeep.

It was 2006, I was 24, and I grew in IT for the last five years from a duty engineer to DevOps (well there was no such word that times).

That day, celebrating those birthdays I decided to start my own business, to buy a car on my 30 anniversary, not the telescope.

I did it.

The Today

Nowadays I'm running hosting company Data-Xata. The company provides hosting solutions for customers in the Ukraine and internationally. We are value added reseller; we offer dedicated servers, virtualization and cloud as well as tailor-made  IT infrastructure solutions and  IT-consulting services.

Our partners are well known European data-center operators: Leaseweb (Netherlands, Germany), OVH (France), Redstation (UK), Hetzner (Germany), etc.

Well, we are not Rackspace or Amazon, that's not that kind of business I want to do. We are a small company with the personal eyesight of every customer.  Data-Xata runs about 0000 servers gathering $0,0 annual profit from our customers:  lawers, TV-productions, VoD services, gambling industry, internet media, startups, etc.

Things go entirely smoothly, so my tech support process just 2-3 issue tickets daily

The Team

Since my business is small, I don't need a huge office, but I'm fueled by a team of talented and enthusiastic people.

Team core (!!!три фото):

Me, Oleksandr Kulynych - business development

Vitaly Gurnik - CEO and sales

Denys Sychov - Head of duty engineers

Narrowly specialized engineers:

- Nikolay Shepel and Oleksandr Sharabura- Microsoft Windows & all about

- Vlad Teterya and Sergei Selivanov - Unix gurus

- Dmitry Chaurov - networking and routing

7 лет назад
42 года
17 лет в сервисе
4 месяца назад

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