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Struggling with how to disable WordPress plugins? If you still have access to your WordPress dashboard, the process is simple – you just click a button. But if you’re unable to access your WordPress dashboard, you’ll need to disable plugins in a different way.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, we’ll show you a method that will allow you to quickly disable one or more WordPress plugins. You can click one of the links below to jump straight to a specific method.

How To Disable Plugins Via WordPress Dashboard. This is the easiest method if you can still access your WordPress dashboard.

How To Disable WordPress Plugins Via FTP. This is helpful if you’re unable to access your WordPress dashboard for some reason.

How To Disable WordPress Plugins Via phpMyAdmin. This is a slightly more technical way to disable plugins if you’re unable to access your dashboard.

How To Disable WordPress Plugins Via WP-CLI. For WordPress developers.

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