Нужно оперативно выполнить перевод текста с русского на английский. Объем небольшой, доплата за срочность и качество.
Письменный перевод с французского языка на английский
Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.
Dear freelancers,
We would like to offer you to join a French>English human translation project. Please find the details below:
Name of the project: C837 - Isaac MTPE and HT
Language combination: French into English
Task: Human translation
Delivery date: December 12 for the current batch
Rate: 5 USD per 250 words
Content is general news, newspapers, IMs or comments in social networks, strings extracted from news programs, medical publications, finance and business documents, or concerning sports, travel, shopping, etc.
There is no further reference or context than the file itself, translators must translate to the best of their knowledge.
Our client organised the work on Oneforma cloud-based platform, where they place the tasks and different vendors can work on a same task simultaneously. When the task is complete (each batch takes about 3-6 days to complete), the client issues us a PO based on the volume our linguists actually provided.
1. First of all, this is an ongoing project that may last for a year, so we will receive a lot of batches every 3 days approximately, and it will be more than 100k words for every batch. You will be requested to provide 2 translations for each string (please see the details in the project guidelines attached).
2. There will be a lot of linguists working with you on the same batch.
The minimum output per day is 50 hits (strings) for a linguist.
3. We pay per word after the customer runs the QA and informs the word count for all of you and it depends on your quality as per the quality table on the guidelines too. On 30th day of a given month, the Translator shall send his/her records of the work performed in the current month. Our payment terms for this project are 60 net days upon the receipt of your invoice.
Please let me know if that would be interesting for you, and if yes, please attach your Resume, indicate your email, and I will send you further project instructions.
Заявки фрилансеров
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