До 8.00 завтра ( 21.12) необходим небольшой, очень простой, срочный и построчный перевод бухг. счётов с фр. яз на русский. Это счета с перечислением простых бытовых предметов, оплаты гостиниц и перелёта. Большая часть – адреса ...
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Once you begin to tune into the way your camera sees light you will be better able to let the light guide your composition.
Still life photography requires soft lighting to preserve the detail of the subjects, so cloudy days are better for composing images of market produce or souvenirs on a stall. When you walk through a typical Asian market on a sunny day you notice that some sections are covered over with shade and others are not, so the shaded areas not only have a gentle light to work with, but the shade is edged with bright light that throws an angled cast across the produce
A simple window or doorway has its own micro-climate of light. Outside can be blazing bright with the midday sun but step a few feet inside the shade and the doorway acts like a softbox, casting a brilliant but even pool of light into the room. This light is generous for portraits of people, and it's not uncommon to find people glancing through windows and doors anyway. The combination is ready made for travel photography.
Blue skies are a product of the light as well. I don't use a polariser for getting deep blues, I simply wait for the right light to present itself. You need strong sunshine and clear skies. Very early morning the sun is still cutting through the earth's atmosphere, so the actual amount of light hitting your landscape is far less than at mid-morning. Once you have strong sunlight you can expose for your landscape composition, and the sky will be comparatively underexposed. It is this difference in exposure between the subject and the sky that generates the rich blue colours.
Shooting into the light can be rewarding too. At days end the sun often takes on a few additional colours, depending on the level of pollution and haze across the horizon. In general we get the richest colours by shooting across the sun, but as you shoot towards the source of light itself your lens is washed out by incident light.
Your frame becomes drenched in simplified hues, a giving you a monotone palette that balances elements of the composition
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