Необходимо озвучить короткий ролик на испанском языке длиной 1-2 минуты. Озвучка должна быть выполнена мужским голосом, с акцентом на передачу сути и атмосферы оригинала. Требуется предоставить только аудиодорожку без дополнительных эффектов.
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Мужской голос
Текст который нужно озвучить:
Greetings, my name is Mike and I am one of the leaders of the STAIRS UP project.
Now I will tell you about our company and the main points of
cooperation with us.
We have been professionally investing in cryptocurrency and stocks for
over 8 years, currently we have about 210 professional analysts and
dozens of programmers on staff.
And now our level allows us to earn not only for ourselves, but also to
help increase the income of others, thanks to our knowledge. This is
how the idea of creating the "Stairs Up" project came
Why are we doing this? Most people have capital, but they are financially
illiterate. Their capital lies idle, they don't know what to do with
it, and they just save up for years for some dream of theirs. This is
because most people just don't know how to invest and are afraid to
take risks. The second reason is time. Most people aren't ready to
change stable jobs. They don't have enough time to learn. And that's
Solving these problems is the main idea of the project, which is the process
of selling and buying stocks, where everything is done without the
participation of the person who invested with us. As a result, we
have a program that repeats the actions of our professional analyst
on your account and 10 other people simultaneously. It is very
simple, our analyst makes a prediction about the movement of a stock
or cryptocurrency, then makes an order in his account, and this
prediction is automatically placed in your account. And that's it!
This type of investment is specially invented for people who want to
invest money, but do not know where and how, no time or knowledge, or
for those who simply want to increase their capital.
During the operation of the program, we were able to achieve these
98% successful trades per day
+3000 happy participants
$3,600 Average Profit per Week
To start working with us, you need to read the website and the video
carefully. With the second you have already coped with. After
studying all the information you need to leave an application on our
site and our manager will contact you.
Thank you for your attention! We look forward to working with you!
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