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Роль: CEO или Lead of Head

Подготовить ответы на:

Describe what your company does in a single sentence.

What specific goals or objectives did you hire to accomplish?

Why did you select our company over others?

How many teammates from client?s company were assigned to this project?

Describe the scope of work in detail. Please include a summary of key deliverables.


What were the measurable outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

Describe their project management. Did they deliver items on time? How did they respond to your needs?

What was your primary form of communication with our company?

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

Are there any areas for improvement or something our company could have done differently?

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По этому заказу не оплачена комиссия сервиса!
Антон отличный заказчик, и просто приятный человек) Общаться было легко, отвечал на сообщения быстро, задание выдал понятное, все объяснил. Рекомендую к сотрудничеству!