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Треба виконати лабораторну роботу.
Aside from shared memory, message passing is a way to synchronize threads and processes. Your assignment is to implement a basic message passing library for communicating threads within a process. You must implement the functions thread_init, thread_make, thread_term, thread_myid, thread_send, thread_mcast, thread_receive and thread_gather. Below, you are provided a header file with declarations of these functions and the description of how they have to work. You must not modify the header file. For thread management and synchronisation you must use POSIX API.

Your code will be run against automated tests verifying example scenarios. Code that does not compile, or does not implement the functions from the header file, or uses API for thread management and synchronisation other than POSIX API will be graded negatively. The solutions will be graded basing on the correctness of the code, use of fine-grained locking and correctness of memory management. Moreover, severe code illegibility, spaghetti code, code bloat and redundancy will lower the grade.

Треба виконати на c

До завдання ще додаються файли. Їх я відправлю виконавцю, бо тут не прикріпляється

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